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For a 'Risk-Free, No Up-front-Cost' Membership

Call us today at 336.897.3008

Fax#: 336.282.3797

To Begin Having (daycare/school, rent, college, auto & medical) Payments

Protected, on Parents’ Behalf, to be paid directly to facilities!

(For children, birth to college)



Paycare is not a Lender.

We are a non-profit which remedies situations in which parents already have a bill due or past due for their child(ren).

We do this by providing the parent the ability to have their payments protected, to relieve

both the Facility and the Parent while, ultimately, ensuring that the experience

of the child(ren) goes uninterrupted.  

See Our Paycare Process!

Home of the 'Pay Incentive'!

*Assistance is available multiple times yearly for Parents and Facilities to enjoy!

Step#2: Join Paycare!


Step#3: Enjoy Your 'Pay Incentive': Facility receives payments on behalf of families if family becomes unable to make payments! Family's bill is paid!

Step #1: Call Paycare for Protected Payments!

Click To Join!  [families]


Click To Join! [facilities]

Simply be a Parent or a business who meets Program eligibility and Call to have payments continued to be paid to the facility on behalf of a Parent become unable to make their payment. 

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